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Macadamia Nuts: The Snack That Supports Brain And Heart Health

Almonds tend to steal the spotlight when it comes to healthy snacks, but people cannot deny the deliciousness of macadamia nuts. While they originated in Austrailia, most of the world’s supply is currently grown in the Hawaiian Islands. Macadamia nuts are filled to the brim with various nutrients, but they get cancelled out when you eat them in chocolates, cookies, or other processed sugary goods. Enjoy them raw for the best benefits.

Macadamia nuts have not always been viewed as beneficial, due to the high fat content. About 78-86 percent of that fat is monounsaturated, which is beneficial for your heart because it helps to lower cholesterol and decrease the risk of stroke. One of the coolest facts about macadamia nuts is that they are one of the only foods sources that contain palmitoleic acid. This monounsaturated fatty acid actually speeds fat metabolism, ultimately reducing the body’s ability to store fat. Check out some of the other health benefits below.

Supports Gut Health:

Macadamia nuts are rich in both insoluble and soluble fiber, helping you to feel full while simultaneously aiding with toxin removal from the body. They are also high in copper, which helps the body efficiently use iron and support the healthy reactions of enzymes.

Boosts Brain Health:
Macadamia nuts contain magnesium, manganese, vitamin B1, and copper, all of which help to generate healthy neurotransmitters. These are chemicals that brain cells require to send signals to the brain. Additionally, macadamia nuts are high in omega-9s, which work to improve memory, boost mood, and fight off neurological diseases.

Beneficial For Heart Health:
A study conducted at the University of Hawaii in the year 2000 compared three diets: the Standard American Diet, a “heart-healthy” diet recommended by the American Heart Association, and a diet where fat only came from macadamia nuts. The study lasted one month and results showed that people who only received fat from macadamia nuts had lower cholesterol levels and a decreased amount of triglycerides without any weight gain.

Strengthens Bones:
Bone and teeth mineralization require phosphorus, manganese, and magnesium, and macadamia nuts are rich in all three. While calcium helps to build healthy teeth and bones, manganese works to deposit new bone tissues where necessary during the aging process. Additionally, the manganese in macadamia nuts works to fight kidney disease!

Reduces Inflammation:
Consuming too many omega-6 fatty acids can increase chronic inflammation, and inflammation is the root of conditions like arthritis, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and more. While most nuts have more omega-6s than omega-3s, macadamia nuts are lower in omega-6s, which actually helps prevent inflammation. This doesn’t give you an excuse to chow down on a giant bowl of macadamia nuts. Don’t eat more than one cup for a snack.